We warmly invite you to the Asia Pacific Regional Assembly 10-12 August 2020. Our goals of gathering virtually prior to our Inter-Continental Assembly and Congregational Chapter gatherings, are
To be a Good Shepherd catalyst that takes the energy of the Asia Pacific region beyond our borders and
To represent Good Shepherd Asia Pacific with passion and energy
By engaging for the three days across our borders, in dialogue and contemplation, we hope to
Build unity across Asia Pacific beyond self, Unit and borders – moving from a “Me to We” viewpoint
Deepen knowledge of Good Shepherd Asia Pacific history, journey and initiatives- learning more about our resources, personnel and collaboration
Grow our collective understanding and confidence in addressing issues pertinent and relevant in the Asia Pacific region, to engage in active participation during the ICA
Identify priorities and recommendations for ICA and the Congregational Chapter
Shift consciousness to understand that we are personally responsible for creating change- from ideals to behaviour, from aspirations to actions
We look forward to our coming together for this virtual Asia Pacific Regional Assembly. May we embrace each new day with a deep gratitude to God and love for all of creation.
Together in Mission,
Srs Francine Muthugala, Joan Lopez, Sabina Pathrose
AP Regional Assembly Planning Committee
Theresa Symons, Paula Sgherza & Jamie Sgherza
Facilitation Team

“Though old stars burn out and die,
look to new horizons and even beyond.”
St Mary Euphrasia