Allow 60-120 minutes preparation time
This session brings together all of the initiatives and programs of the Asia Pacific Circle.
It shares the important information the Asia Pacific Circle want to share with you to deepen your own capacity and understanding about the Asia Pacific Region.
There is a lot to read and view in this session, so take your time. Some videos contain slides with text to read, use the video controls to pause or replay where needed. Each video finishes with some music for reflection if you wish.
After you have watched all the material in this section, reflect on the questions at the bottom of this page and write in your journal.
Programs & Initiatives
Justice & Peace
GISF Regional Office
Learning English
Art of Skilled Facilitation
Partnership & Co-Responsibility
Asia Pacific Integration Committee



Justice & Peace

Good Shepherd International Foundation

Asia Pacific Website

Learning English in an International Context

Art of
Skilled Facilitation


Asia Pacific Integration Committee
Questions for Reflection & Journalling
After viewing all of these videos consider the following questions: record your responses into your journal for reference during the Assembly.
What are the strengths across Asia Pacific present in these initiatives?
What is working and what is possible?
All initiatives have challenges. What are the challenges here and how are we leaning into them?
Paying attention to what is arising, what opportunities are important to take note of?
What is calling to imagination?
What is calling to creative thinking? What is calling us to wonder more together as a region?
Road blocks are a part of the human experience, individually and collectively. Road blocks lead us to consider…
What do we need to figure out or anticipate either individually or collectively as a region?
Embodied Action —Embodied action calls us all to consider the long-term picture and the broader contexts in which we live and work. It asks us to consider our shared accountability as human beings, and as systems of people.
It is considering …
What is it that will grow right-relations across Asia Pacific – with each other, with all of Good Shepherd, with the earth, with the universe?