Take some individual time to Journal your personal responses to the questions below.
Consider all you have heard and experienced so far in the Asia Pacific Assembly.
Sense into:
What am I not seeing? (Where is my view distorted by a frozen mind?)
What am I not feeling? (Where is my sensing distorted by a frozen heart?)
What action, grounded in this deep seeing and sensing, am I not co-initiating yet? (Where are my actions distorted by a frozen will?)

Your Star Group needs to break into two pairs.
This process is a dialogue between 2 people.
Share with your partner your responses as truthfully as you can.
Use a Dialogue Walk approach. This is where one person speaks for 10 minutes without interruption except for clarifications.
Then allow a minute of silence. Then repeat with the other person.
At the end, take 10 minutes to generatively share on the conversation.