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Something different is happening. We are evolving. 

Our Context

Having journeyed together over the past three years and from gathering feedback and insights from across the region, it became clear that integration can only happen if we continually open ourselves to listen to our own inner wisdom, enter into the experiences of others, touch the reality of those at the margins, allow the shift in consciousness to happen within us, take risks, and, respond daringly and innovatively.  The time has come to embark on the journey together as Mission Partners, engaged in this integration process to ensure Good Shepherd mission effectiveness.  




As an initial step, the Good Shepherd 'Towards Integration’ site will serve as a resource tool for all Mission Partners to read, reflect on, dialogue with and use individually and collectively in our ministry.   The site unpacks the term ‘Integration’ in light of the essential elements needed for Mission effectiveness while drawing insights from our congregation’s documents, relevant literature and the growth and change theories that we have learnt. 




Something different is happening. We are evolving.  We are shifting from ‘I’ to ‘WE’; from an ego-system to an eco-system.  The first process for our journey towards Integration begins with our individual and group reflections.



This site is a ‘go to’ resource to facilitate the discovery of integration. We have used a number of theories in drawing insights for this resource such as Spiral Dynamics, Four Quadrants of Change, Theory - U and Contemplative Dialogue. The description of the five elements are taken from Congregational resources. The questions invite deep listening and generative dialogue that we may see with fresh eyes.  We may be challenged to ‘let go’ and ‘let come’, so the new can emerge for Mission Effectiveness. 


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